For the majority of women using powder on your face once you are over forty is not recommend. As with anything, there are those women who may benefit from using powder at this age. If you have oily skin then using a little powder can really help to keep the shine under control, go ahead and continue to use it.

Mature Women and Face Powder
Normally all powder will do is to cake up on your face on top of your foundation. This results in a look that will age you and make your wrinkles more pronounced. Even powders that you use to lighten your face may have the same effect. So be very cautious if you are tempted to keep applying powders.
Your best approach would be to use a very small amount of powder on any problem areas. You don’t have to use powder all over your face, again this may result in clumps in places that you definitely don’t want to see them, your eyes and mouth in particular.
If you truly feel as though you could benefit from using a powder, look for ones that have been specifically made as anti aging makeup solutions. There are a few good brands on the market that work really well. Look for ones such as Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Formula. This helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines as well as offering UV protection. These types will help to smooth out your skin without looking too heavy.
Proper Face Powder Use
Remember that when you are in a room the natural reflection of the light can help to make you look younger. If you use powder you are not allowing this natural process to happen. So it really is best to not use these on your skin if at all possible.
Another solution for mature women is to consider using items such as blotting tissues. This are easy to carry with you in your purse and help to soak up any excess oily residue that may be left on your face. This residue often appears if you are rushing around or exercising. A quick wipe with a blotting tissue can help freshen up your appearance again.
Before purchasing any type of facial powder, consider if you really need it or not. Look for alternatives for mature and older women first, and always try and use natural products as much as possible.