As you mature you really do start noticing big changes with your skin, especially around your eye area. You may notice that your skin tone changes as well, not just on your face but on places such as your breasts.
This can cause your skin to look tired, grey and sluggish. Concealer can be used to help cover up dull looking skin. But you can actually use foundation and concealer to enhance your look.
At one time it was used only for those times when you stayed up too late and didn’t get enough sleep. Today, women are using concealer as an everyday thing.
Some Points about Using Concealers and Foundations
The skin around your eye areas is very thin and fragile even at a young age, this area becomes more delicate as you get older. It will often look dark and you can lighten it up so that your eyes look fresh and alive.
When it comes to choosing a concealer, you don’t want to use those cheap, thick concealers that have the consistency of cake. This may have worked for you as a young adult, but not anymore. Thick concealer only results in pooling and enhancing the lines and wrinkles around your eye area. What you want is a concealer that will give you the opposite effect.
Mature woman need to use a light approach when it comes to choosing a concealer and foundation. When selecting a concealer use one that has some type of eye brightening gel or ingredients in it. This will help reduce the transparency of the skin below your eyes and will help to lessen those dark circles.
Choosing the Right Concealer and Foundation
When choosing foundation you may be accustomed to use something called base makeup, this was one type of foundation that you used everywhere. While this may have been fine in your younger years, you skin has now changed. At a younger age your skin may have had an oily T-zone but as a mature woman your skin probably isn’t oily anymore, it is dry!
Most young girls choose a thicker foundation, these are the ones that are meant to cover up things like acne, the thicker the better at that time in your life. If you use the same type of foundation today, it will get into your wrinkles and make you appear much older than you really are.
Your best bet is to avoid any thick foundations, you also do not want to choose one that has a powder finish or shimmer to it. Your goal is to select a foundation that has more of a dewy finish to it. This will probably be a totally different foundation from what you are used to using, but it will certainly help to make you look younger.
You want to look for foundations that are made for older women. These will contain SPF’s for additional protection from the sun, and they will include time-release moisturizers. Both of these will help your skin stay hydrated all day long. Your face will not look all dried up by the time you get home from work.
Light foundations really are your best choice, they will help to even out your skin tone and help cover those age spots. Remember avoid foundations which say thick or matte on them. Look for foundations for mature women.
With the right foundation and concealer combination, you can look fabulous regardless of age!