As women mature they change the way in which they wear and use their makeup. When you are much younger, in your teens for example, you tend to use a little lip gloss and start applying makeup to look very natural.
As you get a little older you most likely used darker eye shadows along with bolder lip colors. This changes again as you hit your forties. If you were to keep the same strategies that you used in your twenties, you would look much older than you really are. Because of these factors, it would be best to receive some useful makeup tips!
Your goal now, is to use makeup to look younger than your years! Women entering this mid life stage often have beauty as well as health concerns. This includes wanting to keep those grey’s away and possibly wanting to enhance the look of your breasts. For now let’s concentrate on makeup tips.
Always Start Out with a Healthy Skincare Regimen
It is important to adopt a healthy skincare regimen as you enter your forties. You definitely do not want to be using harsh and chemically laden products. Your skin is possibly much drier than it used to be and it is becoming more fragile with each day.Your skincare regimen should lay the foundation for your makeup, this way when you apply your makeup it will look more natural. As you age your skin dries out, starts to sag and wrinkle, and unfortunately has more dead skin cells, which makes you look more tired and sluggish.
Always start each morning with a gentle, natural cleanser, it doesn’t hurt to use your cleanser before bed either. Ensure that you wash away all traces of your makeup along with all of those everyday toxins that find their way to your face. You may find it helpful to use specifically designed face wipes to remove all traces of your makeup.
Don’t forget about applying a good quality moisturizer on your face each morning, and on any dry areas of your body. Your elbows, hands and feet are good candidates for being overly dry.
When choosing a moisturizer choose one that contains built in sunscreen. This will help reduce your chances of developing skin cancer and will prevent the sun from over drying your delicate facial skin. Select a daytime moisturizer which is light and will work under your makeup.
When it comes to eye creams use one that is designed for use around and under your eyes. A good eye cream should be thick and will not clump up when used under your eye area. Some eye creams can help reduce the look of those dark circles, so if that is something you are prone to, choose one that has those qualities.
You may even want to consider using a day and night cream for your eyes and your face. A night time moisturizer is often thicker and will help restore moisture to your skin and keep your skin looking plump. Many women like to use a hydrating mask once a month on their face, as this will help keep your skin nice and smooth and soft.
Use These Makeup Tips!
By taking the time to pay a little more attention to your skin you will quickly see a marked improvement. Your makeup will look more smoother and your skin will take on a silky look. Who wouldn’t prefer that over being dry and cracked? Take care of your skin and you will look even better with or without makeup on.